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Dalhousie University's Project Management Certificate Program

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Through a long-standing partnership with Procept, Dalhousie University's Faculty of Open Learning & Career Development offers a project management certificate program based on Procept-provided courses.

The diagram below shows the structure of the certificate program. Click on any course in the table below the image to get more details on the individual courses or on the associated buttons to see upcoming dates and to register.


Course Duration Upcoming Dates
Project Management Essentials 3 days
Engaging Stakeholders: Communications Strategies for Managing Expectations 1 day
Tracking and Forecasting Progress: Budgets, Baselines, and Timelines 1 day
Choosing the Right Approach 1/2 day
Doing Agile: Understanding Agile Processes 1/2 day
Being Agile: Understanding the Agile Mindset and Team Dynamics 1/2 day
Strategies for Effectively Leading Through Change 1 day
Managing Uncertainty & Opportunities 1 day
Project Delivery Principles for Today's Environment 1 day
Undestanding Project Objectives: Business, Requirements, and Scope (Elective) 1 day
Building Strong Vendor Relationships (Elective) 1 day
Getting to Done: Project Closeout Best Practices (Elective) 1 day
Creating High-Performance Virtual Teams (Elective) 1 day