Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Procept Associates Ltd. is committed to the health and safety of its staff and visitors. Procept makes every effort to provide a safe and healthy work environment. All staff must be involved in the continuing objective of reducing risk of injury, occupational disease, and accidents. Every staff member must protect his or her own, and co-workers’ and visitors’ health and safety by ensuring compliance with health and safety legislation, safe work practices and procedures, and our Drug and Alcohol Policy. Procept and its staff must meet or exceed all local, provincial and federal rules and regulations relating to safe work practices.

As the employer, Procept is ultimately responsible for staff and visitor health and safety. I give you my personal commitment that every precaution reasonable in the circumstances will be taken for the protection of staff and visitors.

Originally Signed: Keith Farndale, President, 2006
Update Signed: Kevin Aguanno, President, 2018 (adds reference to drug and alcohol policy)