Join us on April 15th from 8:00-9:00pm for a webinar on project governance led by Darya Duma.
Most organizations have strong corporate governance, but often those governance policies and procedures do not apply to projects or at the very least prove to be a poor fit in matrix organizations. Project governance provides the link between the project manager and the executive management of the organization. All the project management processes in the world cannot help if your project does not have the right framework for executive involvement, decision-making and risk management. In this short talk, we will discuss the essential principles of governance for projects, programs and portfolios.
As a member of ISO/TC258 on projects, programs and portfolios, Darya has shared thoughts on this topic with some of the leading minds in project management on the international stage. She will discuss the most recent views as proposed in international standards and how those principles translated to application in a recent case study.
At this session, participants will: