Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

PM Methodology Development & Training

PM Methodology Development & Training


To develop easy to use Project Management Process for the maintenance department.


Developed a Project Management Process Model and Process Guide.

AThe Hemlo property of Barrick Gold consists of David Bell, an underground mine, and Williams, an underground and open pit gold mine, located approximately 350 kilometers east of Thunder Bay, Ontario. The Williams and David Bell mines share milling, processing and tailings facilities where ores from the two mines are co-mingled and fed to a standard grind, leach and carbon-in-pulp extraction mill.

Procept was hired by Williams Gold Mine to develop a Project Management Methodology and provide supporting training. The project was led by the Williams Mine Project Manager and Procept acted as a project management advisor and facilitator.


A Project Management Methodology was developed that consisted of a process map, guidebook and templates. This was provided to the customer in paper as well as electronic format, so that the guide and templates were linked. A user could look up a process in the guide, and if any documentation was required to be completed, he or she would click on the link provided in the guide and the appropriate template would open.