Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

Policy on Recording Training Sessions

Policy on Recording Training Sessions

As an organization focused on maintaining (and improving) the quality of the services we provide to our clients, Procept seeks objective data about the performance of our instructors and the participant experience. For in-person classroom training, we may send in auditors to observe the instructor’s content delivery and engagement of class participants. We continue this practice for online deliveries.  Procept management may include an “observer” in online course deliveries to collect information that may contribute to the skills development plans for individual instructors, recommended course design or materials changes, and overall policy changes.  We may also observe when there are new course changes or new technologies that we wish to assess in a live classroom environment. Where a client has issued a past complaint about a course, an instructor, or our online technology platform, we may also observe to assess whether the issue has been corrected successfully or to gain more information about an open issue.

While “live” observation is our general goal, we cannot have  live auditor for every course delivery, especially when we often have several courses running concurrently.  For that reason, we strive to record our online course deliveries for later review on an as-needed basis by our auditors.  A section of the Criminal Code makes it legal for us to record these sessions without notifying the audience for these purposes; however, it is our standard practice to notify attendees that they are being recorded at the start of class. This may be done through (1) having the instructor or course “producer” verbally notify attendees, (2) having a “this session is being recorded” notification in the online learning on-screen interface, or (3) both of these.  We will refrain from recording sessions where clients explicitly ask us NOT to do so in writing.

Recordings are stored in the online training tool for between 2 and 4 days before being downloaded, compressed, and re-uploaded into our secure, encrypted repository.  Recordings remain in this repository according to the terms of our data retention policy and are typically deleted after one year.  These recordings are only used for two purposes:  (1) quality audits as described above, and (2) accommodating participants who need access to a recording for accessibility reasons or where they may have missed part (or all) of a course session in which they were scheduled to participate and need to “catch up” on the content they missed.  In this latter case, it is important to note that only attendees registered to attend a session (or the client representative paying for that session) may access a recording of a session. Also, we make no guarantees as to how quickly we can make such recordings available for these purposes – the large size of files, the large number of files and the large bandwidth requirements for managing these files prevents us from agreeing to any service levels for this access and in some cases, such as when the storage system fills up or there is a technical issue, online recording may fail altogether.

Recordings of training sessions that contain a participant’s voice or image will NEVER be provided to other clients or the public without prior consent; however, recordings of public webinars, public conference presentations, or testimonial videos where we inform the participants in advance that they are being recorded for posting on the Internet are explicitly exempt from this policy.