Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

Project Management Essentials [Online]

Project Management Essentials [Online]

This self-directed online course is an accessible, hands-on journey through a project from initiation to closing, with a special emphasis on initiation and planning. Course participants practice using project management tools and techniques while they experience the realistic challenges that are encountered on projects.

Project Management Essentials is aligned with the Project Management Institute’s (PMI’s) Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge and it introduces tools and terminology without overwhelming participants with jargon. The course focuses on developing practical skills that can be applied immediately to increase the level of success on projects.

This fun on-line course consists of a series of videos and short offline activities for participants to complete at their own pace.  Videos include both Point slides with the instructor voice over and video recordings of a live instructor demonstrating techniques. Based on years of experience, the instructor inserts stories, illustrations and other examples to make the material relevant. The course uses two cases studies so participants can practice the tools they have learned on projects facing challinges similar to the ones they will face in their real-life work environment. The course includes sample answers for the exercises; pointing out best practices and also areas for improvement.  There are also activities where the learners are encouraged to apply the new tools and techniques to one of their own real-life projects. Each course module tests for comprehension with true/false questions or fill-in-the-blank type exercises.

Participants require approximately 20 hours to complete the course including watching all of the videos and completing the exercies.

This is the self-directed online version of the course.  Additional versions are available for classroom delivery:


Learning Objectives

Participants will gain practical skills to:

  • Use the terminology and processes of modern project management
  • Prepare a complete and accurate project plan for a project
  • Facilitate team discussions to learn from the PM experiences of others
  • Practice PM skills using templates
  • Value the benefits of a consistent PM methodology


Who Should Attend

The Project Management Essentials Online course is appropriate for individuals who are:

  • Responsible for managing smaller projects.
  • Participants on a project team of any size, especially those who have not yet been exposed to the tools, techniques and terminology of formal project management.



There is no prerequisite for this course. It functions as a stand-alone course.


Participants will receive access to the online course including many video files, an electronic copy of a course workbook that they can print containing exercises and case study materials. and an online quiz to test that course concepts were properly understood.

What You Will Learn

Introduction and PM Context

  • Identify the characteristics of a project
  • Differentiate between project work and business as usual
  • Describe the typical project management environment
  • Differentiate between projects, programs and portfolios
  • Describe the balance of project constraints
  • List typical project challenges
  • Describe project success criteria
  • Define project management
  • List the PMBOK® areas of knowledge
  • Discuss the principles of project governance
  • Describe the importance of the business case
  • Identify high-level success factors and the balance of constraints for their chosen case study
  • Describe the project life cycle


Initiating the Project

  • Use a Stakeholder Register
  • Create a Project Charter
  • Describe key project roles and responsibilities
  • Differentiate between a functional, projectized and matrix project team
  • Describe the benefits and challenges of a matrix project team
  • Organize a project team


Planning the Project

  • Discuss the requirements identification process
  • Prepare a Work Breakdown Structure
  • Evaluate a change management plan
  • Assign responsibilities through the Work Breakdown Structure
  • Use the Work Breakdown Structure to develop a cost estimate
  • Identify, analyse and plan responses to project risks
  • List activity dependencies
  • Create a simple bar chart schedule
  • Prepare, defend and evaluate a logic diagram
  • Calculate the schedule critical path and float
  • Identify project schedule constraints
  • Discuss schedule contingency
  • Recognize a resource histogram
  • Prepare a summary schedule
  • Evaluate a project schedule
  • Define a project baseline

Project Execution

  • List responsibilities of each key project stakeholders in Project Execution
  • Evaluate a project change
  • Describe the risk response process
  • Apply conflict management techniques to case study situations
  • Discuss leadership and motivation
  • Evaluate a cost report
  • Create a summary project status report


Project Closure

  • Closing and lessons learned



  • Workshops: lessons learned