Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

Project Health & Quality Management

Project Health & Quality Management

This course offers participants a set of concepts and techniques to develop and improve quality plans and programs at the organization. Participants will learn to plan and build quality into their projects, prioritize requirements and stakeholder needs to ensure customers’ needs and success are met, and select quality assurance and quality control actions that are best suitable for the project and the organizational needs.

The course will also introduce quality management processes and concepts, including metrics and tools to ensure delivery of project and organizational success; these include the establishment of quality and project health measures that serve as indicators that in turn track the state of the project and provide underlying early signs of trends.


Participants will gain practical skills to:

  • Apply consistent, system thinking and context when building quality into projects
  • Design, plan and perform quality health measures and audits into the project
  • Articulate the relationship and interactions between quality and the competing demands – with specific focus on risk and quality trade-offs
  • Explore the components of and techniques to build a quality management plan that addresses organizational needs and complements any existing quality concepts that are already in place
  • Prioritize requirements to manage stakeholder expectations and meet stakeholders’ needs
  • Plan quality activities and measurements throughout the project lifecycle; including assurance and control
  • Apply techniques to proactively build prevention activities into the project plan and incorporate mechanisms for corrective action
  • Determine the impact of quality-related activities on the project schedule and budget through effective measurement of the cost of quality
  • Develop and improve quality programs based on the organizational needs



This course is aimed at those who already have some experience managing projects.


There is no prerequisite for this course. It functions as a stand-alone course.


You will receive a course binder containing copies of presentation slides, exercises, and suggested solutions.


Course Sections
  • About Project Quality Management
  • Plan Quality Management
  • Perform Quality Assurance
  • Build in a Set of Project Health Measures and Early Indicators
  • Control Quality
  • Make Quality Meaningful and Proactive
Hands On Exercises
  • Define quality
  • Define quality attributes
  • Propose a quality program in context
  • Quality and the competing demands
  • Identify and articulating the cost of quality
  • Perform stakeholder analysis
  • Overview of requirements elicitation and prioritization
  • Build a quality management plan
  • Apply quality assurance, identify the impact of activities, and incorporate project health measurements
  • Using quality assurance and quality control tools
  • Plan quality audits
  • Incorporate the Japanese technique of poka yokes (Error Proofing Mechanisms) into your project