Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

Leading Virtual Teams

Leading Virtual Teams

Virtual teams are a reality today. Most large organizations have multiple divisions and locations. Smaller companies may have team members working at different sites, and the current trend to working collaboratively with suppliers, partner organizations, and clients, gives more rise to the need to have diversely-located team members work effectively together.

Virtual teams have many obstacles to overcome. They have to deal with the usual project challenges, and in addition may face very significant communication, motivational, and organizational issues.

In this 1-day course, you will examine the communication and team-building issues of implementing effective virtual teams, and suggest strategies, tools, and techniques to empower the project manager or business analyst to meet the challenges.

This course is also sometimes called "Creating High-Performance Virtual Teams" and "Leading Distributed Teams".


Participants will gain practical skills to:

  • Identify the challenges and the benefits of working in a virtual team format.
  • Select the appropriate team structure.
  • Design a communications plan for virtual teams.
  • Select appropriate facilitation tools for meetings.
  • Describe interventions to maximize the benefits and overcome the challenges of virtual teams.
  • Use appropriate team-building and motivational techniques to preserve team unity.



The Virtual Teams course is appropriate for individuals who are:

  • Project Managers and Business Analysts.
  • Leading or about to lead a team across geographical boundaries.
  • Considering implementing virtual teams in their organization and would like to be prepared for the advantages and disadvantages of such team structures.



There is no prerequisite for this course. It functions as a stand-alone course.


You will receive a course binder containing copies of presentation slides, case studies, exercises, and suggested solutions.



  • Virtual Team Challenges
  • Why do it?
  • Myths about Virtual Teams
  • Exercise: Identify Virtual Team Issues


Forming The Team
  • Team Development
  • Tips about Forming the Team
  • The Orientation Process
  • Communication Technology
  • Consider the Right Technology
  • The Kickoff Meeting
  • Exercise: Develop a communication plan for virtual teams project

Developing Team Guidelines

  • Establishing Rules of Engagement
  • Managing The Team
  • Top 5 tips for Managing a Virtual Team
  • Building Trust
  • Team Motivation
  • Monitor Team
  • Performance Checklist
  • Exercise: Active Listening, Project Manager


Competencies Disbanding The Team