Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

Introduction to Effective Classroom Instruction

Introduction to Effective Classroom Instruction

Effective instruction is not just lecturing or going through a series of slides; rather, the best instructors take a learner-centered approach to ensure that adult learners get the maximum benefits from training. This 1-day workshop introduces participants to some of the best instructional methods and techniques for effective classroom instruction.

Learning Objectives

Participants will gain practical skills to:

  • turn dull sessions into more lively, interesting ones
  • cause learning through involvement rather than merely “talking at people”
  • use questions to spark interest, keep attention and double-check understanding
  • use visuals to keep people alert and focused rather than put them to sleep
  • teach from student experience as well as from their fund of knowledge
  • guarantee learning has taken place rather than merely hope that it has.


Who Should Attend

Those new to the training profession or any professional who is being asked to deliver training to others as a subject matter expert (SME).


There is no prerequisite for this course. It functions as a stand-alone course.


Participants will receive a course binder containing copies of presentation slides, exercises, and reference materials. Participants will also receive a copy of the booklet "How to Keep from Talking to Yourself: Rules of Effective Presentation".

What You Will Learn

How Adults Learn
– a look at proven principles for instructing adults

Discussional Instruction
- the discussional method of instruction and the use of questions in discussional teaching

Interactive Learning
- how to turn a lecture into an interactive learning experience

Starting Right
- ice breaking techniques; starting a training program in a positive, motivational way