Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

Introduction to Agile

Introduction to Agile

Many organizations are now introducing agile delivery techniques into the workplace with the goal of delivering faster, with greater efficiency.  To achieve these benefits, agile methods encourage a closer collaboration between the project business stakeholders and the project delivery team, they encourage the lowering of barriers (functional silos) between roles, and they promote communications techniques that foster a culture of openness and transparency. This level of change may create resistance for some people who have difficulty adapting.  One of the best ways of overcoming such resistance is through education. 

This workshop aims to introduce stakeholders and project team members to the agile way of working using the common Scrum framework. Unlike typical Scrum-based training, however, the course expands the framework to include an overview of agile requirements management techniques and agile estimating and planning techniques that are used to set reasonable stakeholder expectations at the start of an agile project.

Learning Objectives

To provide project stakeholders and project team members with a basic understanding of how agile projects are structured, including an introduction to the common Scrum framework, and how disciplined approaches to agile can be used to set (and manage) realistic stakeholder expectations.

Who Should Attend

This course is aimed at anyone who is interested in developing a basic understanding of how agile methods work, including project team members and other stakeholders.


There are no prerequsites for this course.


Participants in this course receive a course workbook including printouts of all course presentation materials and The Agile Glossary.

What You Will Learn

  • What is Agile and What's In lt for Me?
    • The Need for Agile
    • The Agile Philosophy
  • An Overview of the Scrum Method
  • Agile Requirements Management Overview
  • Rolling-Wave Planning & The 3-Levels of Agile Planning
  • A Day in the Life of an Agile Team
  • Wrap Up