Procept courses accredited by the CCA for Gold Seal certification credits

CAPM® Exam Preparation

CAPM® Exam Preparation

This 3½ day course is designed as intense preparation for those preparing to write the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) examination of the Project Management Institute (PMI®). The course is registered with PMI® and will provide the 23 contact hours required to write the CAPM® exam.


Participants will gain practical skills to:

  • Identify the “correct” answer to a majority of multiple choice questions similar to the CAPM®exam
  • Remember formulas and concepts through application to real-life scenarios instead of memorization.
  • Utilize “tips and tricks” to write PMP® exam with more confidence.
  • Identify which knowledge areas may need further home study
  • Be aware of the CAPM® qualification process
  • Further your knowledge of generally accepted project management practices



The CAPM® Exam Preparation course is appropriate for individuals who:

  • Want to prepare for the CAPM®designation.
  • Have insufficient PM experience to apply for the PMP®exam
  • May have recently graduated from a post-secondary institution and are interested in pursuing a career in project management.



  • 3-day Project Management Essentials (or its equivalent), or
  • You already work in a project management environment that manages project scope, cost, time, quality, etc.



You will receive the course workbook and Farndale’s PMP®and CAPM®Preparation Guide, and the CAPM® Exam Prep Guide by Rita Mulcahy.

Note: You are required to bring your own A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) to the course.


Introduction and Project Management Context

Integration Management

Stakeholder Management

Scope Management

Schedule Management

Cost Management

Quality Management

Resource Management

Communications Management

Risk Management

Procurement Management


PMP, CAPM, PMI, PMBOK are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.